Still remember the very first time, approximately 2 years ago...In the cattery where 4 kittens were born. It was a chaotic and funny experience. That is the first time i know whats " Dewormer" all about.
Kittens usually get infected from their Mummy by the age of 6 weeks. When u see them not longer gaining weight and starting to loose appetite or another way around...eating alot but fail to gain the chubby little fats that u hope to see from a cute kitten. Something is not right. It is Parasite that is eating and not the kittens.
I would not be interested to know what kind of parasites that were causing the trouble. But I was into finding out what kind of medicine and the right way of treating them inorder to reduce reinfection.I tried almost all the dewomers in the market and found the one that suits me. Finding the right tool is important to get things done.
Since then, my kittens are healthy and free from the infections. However, there may be occasions where their stomach is still very bloated and the worms are not able to be killed. Vet consultation is needed immediately. It could be other reason.